The Trie data structure

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The name

The Trie takes its name from its main operation, the reTRIEval, which is more a bad pun than an actual operation. It’s also known as “Prefix Tree” because of the way it is structured. A Trie is a tree built to store a large amount of strings as well as integer numbers. Actually, it can store any sequence of symbols, given that the alphabet of those symbols is finite and known. More specifically, a trie is d-ary tree, where d is the size of the alphabet of the symbols used.

Each node of a Trie can contain at most d sons, one for each symbol. Each node represents a certain symbol, except for the root of the tree which represents nothing, or the beginning of the string.

The structure

We need three fields for each node of the Trie:

  • a pointer to the father node
  • a fixed length array of sons (in this case, exactly 26)
  • a boolean to tell us if a given node represents the end of a word

Notice that we don’t need a variable to hold the symbol, because we can extract it from the index of the node in its father’s array.

typedef struct _trie {
    struct _trie *father;
    struct _trie* sons[26];
    bool end_of_word;
} TrieNode;

The behavior

In the following functions, i intentionally omit NULL checks on the input and the return of malloc to make the code shorter and more readable.


This functions creates a new empty node with no sons.

TrieNode* init() {
    TrieNode* node = (TrieNode*) malloc(sizeof(TrieNode));
    for (int i=0; i<26; i++) {
        node->sons[i] = NULL;
    node->father = NULL;
    node->end_of_word = false;
    return node;


This function adds the given string str to the Trie rooted at the given root. If str is already present, no changes are made to the Trie.

void insert(TrieNode *root, char* str) {
    TrieNode *tmp = root;
    const int len = strlen(str);
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        const int index = str[i] - 'a';
        if (tmp->sons[index] == NULL) {
            tmp->sons[index] = init();
            tmp->sons[index]->father = tmp;
        tmp = tmp->sons[index];
    tmp->end_of_word = true;

This function looks for the given string str in the Trie rooted at the given root. It returns true if str was present, false otherwise.

bool search(TrieNode *root, char* str) {
    TrieNode *tmp = root;
    const int len = strlen(str);
    int i = 0;
    while (tmp != NULL && i < len) {
        tmp = tmp->sons[str[i] - 'a'];
    return tmp != NULL && tmp->end_of_word;


This function deletes the given string str from the Trie rooted at the given root. If str was not present, no changes are made to the Trie. The deletion of a string from the Trie is actually setting the boolean end_of_word to false. In this implementation, however, if the “deleted” node has no sons, it is deallocated and this procedure continues on all father nodes until one with more than 1 son (or the root) is found.

void trie_delete (TrieNode *root) {
    if (root == NULL) return;
    for(int i=0; i<26; i++) {
        if( root->sons[i] != NULL ) trie_delete(root->sons[i]);

NOTE: A personal implementation of the Trie can be found on my GitHub.

About Filippo Barbari

HPC Technology Specialist @ CINECA, Italy. Algorithms and Data Structures enthusiast. I love esoteric languages, board games and parallel simulations.

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