PRACE Summer School of HPC Blog #6

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In the first weeks, when I was looking for papers explaining the theory behind LibRSB, I came across this sentence written by the author:

… thanks to many user contributions, the test suite has grown significantly over the years

At that time I thought “wow, this library must be a really good example of test-driven development with all the bugfixes that have been added over the years”. Boy, I really couldn’t imagine the real meaning of that sentence. Especially of the word significantly.

Later on, I tried to compile the library in order to run some little test programs and the actual tests of the library. I quickly noticed that they were taking a lot of time both on my laptop and on my workstation. That’s when I decided to try them on the cluster. After an hour in single-threaded mode, and fifty thousand test cases executed, I couldn’t see the end. So I started giving more power and more time to the cluster but I still couldn’t find the end.

The final configuration used 28 physical cores (no HyperThreading was enabled) divided into 2 CPUs in 2 different machines and it run for 10 hours straight. After 80’000 test cases, the job was killed. Eighty thousand. EIGHTY THOUSAND!!

The biggest test suite I ever implemented included 400+ test cases which required at most 6 minutes with minimal RAM usage and single thread mode. So, after a whole week I gave up on trying to run the tests.

Some days later, I found the answer on the official documentation.

Q: How is correctness checked in the librsb test suite ?

A: Different linear system generators and tester programs are being used to brute-force-test several routines and input combinations as possible.

I don’t know what to say at this point. If 28 cores for 10 hours at “full power” were not enough to see the end, the question gains more and more interest:

Has anybody seen the test results?

About Filippo Barbari

HPC Technology Specialist @ CINECA, Italy. Algorithms and Data Structures enthusiast. I love esoteric languages, board games and parallel simulations.

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